Aug. 20, 2024

Anthony Furey – for Toronto Council; Stephen Thompson – Anglo-Quebecer on language Episode for Aug 20, 2024

Two guests with particular objectives today. One has Toronto political aspirations and the other has been involved with Montreal, broader Quebec, and the large number of Anglophones or English speakers that live there. Both are interesting stories, both stories that are unique to Canada. Anthony Furey, a centre-right journalist jumped into last year’s mayoralty race. He moved quickly up the ranks but not enough to catch Olivia Chow who won the race to serve out the 3 years remaining in John Tory’s term. Now Anthony Furey is contesting a vacant Council seat and (I’d bet) the next mayoralty race in 2 years. 

Stephen Thompson is a Quebecer who spent 15 years as Director of Policy & Research for the Quebec Community Groups Network, an organization that advocates on behalf of the English-speaking Community of Quebec. Despite all efforts by Stephen and those who came before him, English speakers remain a target of the Quebec Government despite Canadian Charter rights.


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