Aug. 15, 2024

Catherine Swift on Cdn Manufacturing & Biz; Peter’s rant on Quebec’s dumb language laws

Catherine Swift visits today to discuss manufacturing in Canada. She is the President of Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses Canada and formerly headed up the CFIB…Canadian Federation for Independent Business. If anyone knows how we’re doing collectively out there in 2024 Canada, it’s Catherine Swift.

Peter presents a rant on what he believes is a ridiculous situation in Quebec where the ever-changing language laws scare English people away, always have. He wants to know if French Quebec understands that it’s an island in an ocean. He also asks why English people there feel mistreated as second class systems…perhaps because they are? When is MAID okay…the story of a 44 year-old man who wants MAID because he can’t live with Long COVID. And finally, does your smallpox vaccination protect you from Monkey Pox or MPOX?


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