Aug. 22, 2024

Media Expert Lee Abrams on past & future media; Peter editorializes on CUPE's Fred Hahn issue

Lee Abrams was the top shelf consultant to companies in the radio business during the rise of album rock FM stations. He expanded his consultancy to all kinds of broadcasting endeavors and has been both the responder to and creator of change in the media landscape. Media can be defined by a timeline that looks at what was consumed by the masses before and since the internet. Things have changed radically and will continue to…Peter talks with Lee Abrams about having to cross barriers that were not of his own creation.


Peter also editorializes on the plight of CUPE’s Fred Hahn, a highly placed executive of that organization in Ontario. Peter and Fred crossed paths often back in Peter’s political period. Now, CUPE wants Fred’s resignation for behavior that his union considers anti-semitic. 


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