Aug. 21, 2024

Monkey Pox or MPOX – facts; and what causes inflation? Trudeau wants credit. Yup, he caused it. Episode for Aug 21, 2024

Peter’s guest on this show is an infectious disease expert, Dr. Neil Rau. We spoke to him a lot during the COVID-19 period and now he’ll enlighten us on the truth and fiction an MPOX. The World Health Organization declared MPOX a World Health Emergency a few days ago. Does that mean we here in North America need to take precautions. We’ll leave that to Dr. Rau.

And what’s inflation? Well, succinctly, it’s what you do when you increase or inflate the money supply. That makes money worth less so everyone needs more because the lower value means merchants must raise prices. When the inflation rate falls, it doesn’t mean things cost less or that inflation is gone so no credit to government. But Trudeau’s trying to take some. But he caused it. Peter tells you why.


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