Sept. 13, 2024

Trudeau & a falling economy; Long range missiles - Ukraine; TIFF dumps film

Some highly placed Sikh people say that since they all use the name Singh, Poilievre’s nickname “Sellout Singh” is out of order. Minister Harjit Singh Sajjan even calls it racist.

Do you tip at fast food restaurants? Should you?

Should the now imminent Air Canada strike be settled by binding arbitration? And should transportation companies be regulated as essential services?

A Toronto teacher was dismissed for sharing pro Palestinian views and now she’s suing for wrongful dismissal. Can she win the case? This was at a private school. She shared material about the Israel-Hamas conflict in a film for her math class and on social media. She alleges that the object of her termination was either to “punish” her pro-Palestine views or rid the school of faculty who sympathized with the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza. Lawyers for the school, told the court they intend to defend against the allegations, which have not been tested in court. 

And TIFF is taking ‘Russians at War’ off their roster. Ukrainians are angry it got Canadian funding in the first place. Interestingly, the Russian soldiers depicted are negative on the war saying it is not what they signed up for and that they only fight to save themselves. Is TIFF pulling a worthwhile film or just reacting to noise?


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